“T’was the month before Christmas, when all through the house

All creatures were stirring, including the mouse; (metaphorically speaking)

No stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

We hope St. Nicholas takes his time getting here.

Welcome, Friends, I’m so happy you’re here to visit for awhile. It’s two days before Thanksgiving and I want to wish all of you a wonderful day with family and friends. This post is all about not stressing about the holidays even if you have too much to do and too little time to do it. TAKE A BREATH! I’m just now getting out the Christmas boxes, Christmas tree and holiday decor out of storage. I haven’t done any baking, minimal decorating, no cards and time is flying by.

Wreaths and lanterns need to be decorated and put up.

Baking needs to be done…

…and vignettes need to be assembled. My husband is scheduled for another surgery the end of November and things are just a bit chaotic. We all have way too much to do this time of year. So why am I telling you all of this?

To remind us both that the season is not about the decorations or the baking or the holiday vignettes. The season is about love for family and friends, for those we disagree with and those who share our values. It’s a reminder that LOVE is the most important thing and we should cherish it in our hearts all year round.

So, remember, if the decorations aren’t perfect and the vignettes don’t get done, your family and friends will still love you and celebrate being together with you for this wonderful season. TAKE A BREATH!


18 thoughts on “The Month Before Christmas

  1. I love to find good words, as I call them. I recently saw some that said, “He came to free us, not burden us”. The essence, of course, is not falling prey to the scam of debt-inducing, hurried shopping, frenzied activities and overall momentary gratification of the holiday season. I like that. I love Christmas, and love to decorate, but since I don’t host my big family anymore (my daughter has taken over), we hardly have any company through the holidays, but for me, it’s the start of the “quiet season”, and I love that. Here’s praying your husband’s scheduled surgery will be successful, Lynne.

    1. It’s nice when the children grow up and take over some of the family traditions. My daughter is hosting Thanksgiving this year. First time I haven’t done it. I’m really looking forward to a new experience. I just have to bring dessert. I’m looking forward to a much quieter season this year. Appreciate the prayers. Wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving and a joyful holiday season.

  2. I don’t have anything done (really for either holiday yet– though I did at least buy the groceries!)… and I’m not really feeling stressed about it at all. I figure all the really important stuff will get done eventually.

    1. Boy, Joanne, I am so loving your outlook. I am really trying to concentrate on the important things this holiday season and be less stressed. Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving and joyous holiday season.

  3. I hope your husband’s surgery goes well. That has to add so much stress to your life at this time of year. I probably won’t start to pull stuff out of wherever it is until next week. For now, that’s fine. It’s the lugging it out of the crawlspace and down the stairs from the attic that are stressing me!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and thank you for these words of wisdom!


  4. I am breathing easier this year. We have dinner reservations at a lovely local restaurant for Thanksgiving and a daughter-in-law is hosting Christmas. When I turned eighty I announce that everyone was welcome to come to our house but I was not going to prepare the meal. It’s taken three years to switch over to new traditions. Loving the changes. Thanks for the mention of Christmas cards. I like writing notes to family and friends and especially those who may be alone.

    1. Sounds like you will really enjoy the holidays this year, Jan. We had a lovely Thanksgiving at my daughter’s and it was so nice not to have to be responsible for the meal. It was delicious and beautifully presented. She’s a treasure. New traditions can be wonderful. Have a great week.

  5. Praying (as I read your post) that your husband’s surgery goes well. And I love your thoughts on this subject. May we have that kind of love and be able to pray for even our enemies this holiday season.

  6. Agree, Lynne. Our daughter is hosting our party of 5 in her tiny apartment (for the first time). It should be an adventure, to say the least. I MINIMALLY decorated our place before we left so that I don’t have much to pack away later. Wishing a speedy recovery to your hubby.

    1. Thanks so much, Robin. I’m sure you will enjoy having Thanksgiving at your daughter’s. It’s wonderful to see our children grow into the responsibilities of the holiday season. Appreciate the good thoughts for my husband. Have a wonderful week.

  7. Seems it comes faster and faster every year. Halloween, then you turn around and it’s Thanksgiving, and before you can recoop from all of that holiday feasting, it’s Christmas and time to do it all over again. However, we somehow always manage. I love Christmas decorations, always so festive! Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 139. Pinned.

    1. Thanks, Dee. the season is indeed wonderful and incredibly busy. I try to take some time each day to count my many blessings and remind myself what the season is really celebrating. I love the decorating and the sharing but also the quiet moments that make the season special. Have a lovely week.

  8. Great reminder. There are so many fun things we can do like baking and decorating, but the meaning of Christmas is what matters the most. Best wishes on the surgery. Thanks for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #16 linkup. Come share another post or two at #17 which opens December 4. Have a great week.

  9. Prayers that your husband’s surgery goes well and his recovery is quick! I’ve started wrapping gifts and got fall taken down!

  10. This was such a great reminder. I agree we need to remember the importance of the season. Sending prayers for your husband’s surgery. And wishing him an easy recovery. Thank you for sharing with us at The Crazy Little Love Birds link party #15.

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