The garden, this morning, was filled with birds flitting about the feeders. Some of the Spring flowers are nearly finished and I gathered the last of the peonies, a lone iris and a beautiful stalk of amaryllis to add to an old-fashioned water pitcher in shades of green. Welcome to the Blog today, Friends, and a simple bouquet of garden flowers.

Oak leaf hydrangea are blooming and were added to the mix of colors and textures in the pitcher. If you read the blog from Thursday, you know that we held a garage sale this weekend. I am so happy it is over. A lot of set-up and labeling are involved and then a lot of hustle and bustle and people on the day. We did well but I was early to bed that night. After all that activity it is nice to have a gentle Sunday to relax and enjoy the birds and the garden.

In the picture above you can see that the old-fashioned pitcher is surrounded by Royal Doulton figurines. My Mom collected these and they bring back so many memories of my Mom and my Grandmother. They’re not very fashionable now but I love the delicate carving and colors that make each figure unique and beautiful. The colors in the flowers are picked-up by the figurines and tie the two together.

A woven table runner sits beneath the flowers and figurines add ing some texture and horizontal lines to the vignette. The soft greens, blues, and whites are complimented by the flowers and the lovely ladies. It’s a very peaceful setting.

Can you imagine strolling along a crushed stone path with beautiful blooms on either side as you enjoy the fresh morning air? Gardens, walkways, and time to enjoy them are some of life’s true pleasures.


18 thoughts on “Old -Fashioned Flowers on a Sunday

  1. Figurines – not something I collect (you know). Yours are lovely, so much movement and color shading on them. Wonderful that they evoke pleasant memories and feelings for you. I spy a bit of dogwood? Don’t know what the other white flower is, though. What is the pitcher? Our peonies are budding just now! Azaleas are in full bloom with the dogwoods. Can’t say much for the hydrangeas yet. All-in-all a pretty vignette.

    1. You did see dogwood and the other white flower is oak leaf hydrangea. The pitcher doesn’t have any markings just a nice cozy look to it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Love your RD figurines. I think I have one–mended at that. I always hope I will find some cheaply–someday! The colors and delicacy of their features have fascinated me for years. Gorgeous flowers. Maine is SOOO far behind you!

    1. I do feel your pain about the weather. We are actually going into summer wether now which is a bit hot and humid. I do love the Royal Doulton. Thanks for commenting and good luck in your search

  3. Your Royal Doulton figurines made me smile. I have one that belonged to my grandmother, she’s on my table right now. What a lovely vignette!

  4. The flowers are just beautiful. They are some of my favorites. I have planted Dahlias this year. It’s been a long time since I have had them in my gardens.

    1. I planted Dahlias this year and am hoping for the best. Haven’t had a lot of success with them but they are in a new spot with more shade so maybe……. Thanks for commenting .

  5. Your arrangement is beautiful. the peonies are especially gorgeous and remind me of my grandmothers garden, every year she would take cut flowers to the cemetery and the peonies were always included. Thank you for stopping by Wonderful Wednesday to share. Have a great week!.

    1. I often think that old-fashioned bouquets are the very best. So many wonderful memories and feelings are wrapped up in each bouquet. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

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