This Stone Circle is near Castletownbere. We couldn’t find it, even with GPS, so stopped at a hotel in town for directions. As you can see from the picture it is in the middle of a field and not very large.

However, it was really interesting to see that offerings had been left at the base of one of the stones. Simple things from nature. We found these natural gifts at a number of stone circles we visited.

We took our time this day relishing the diversity of the landscape and the beauty that was all around us.

This horse was enjoying the coastline near the Dzogchen Monestary. A wonderful opportunity to visit a Buddhist Monastery, have a simple lunch overlooking the water and enjoy the walks and meditation gardens that are on site. Truly a lovely place.

We found art left out for all to enjoy. the honor system was definitely adhered to in this part of the country. Refreshing.

Vista after vista met us as we continued around the southern tip. We parked and walked and took pictures all day long in the brilliant sunshine. It was magic.

We didn’t want the day to end. It was perfect.

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